Self effacing : আত্মবিলোপী;
Related Words
self effacing  self-effacing  self-seeking  selfeffacing  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Apply to (কারো কাছে আবেদন করা): He applied to the principal for free admission.
Break in (কথার মাঝে কথা বলা): As she was talking, he suddenly broke in, saying, ‘that’s a rat!’
Consolidate for (শক্তিশালী করা): The four new companies consolidated for greater efficiency.
Hit upon (পরিকল্পনা নেয়া): Rahim hit upon a new plan.
Repentant for (অনুতপ্ত): Kamal should be repentant for his misbehavior.
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At times (মাঝে মাঝে): He at times comes here.
Bear (a) grudge (bear hostility to— শত্রুতা বা বিদ্বেষ পোষন করা—V) We should not bear (a) grudge against our brethren.
Cut to the quick (মর্মাহত হওয়া): I was cut to the quick by his birds.
Pros and cons (খুঁটিনাটি): You should consider the pros and cons of the system.
White color job – (উচ্চ শ্রেনীর চাকরি, যেখানে শারীরিক কাজ নেই বললেই চলে- a job without manual labour) - He wants a white color job.